Sunday, January 23, 2011

a quick note on pet names

When it comes to pet names, I like cute, unique ones as much as the next animal lover.  But there is a fine line of acceptable things to call your pet.  I think I speak for almost all vets and pet nurses when I say that I do not necessarily enjoy walking around the waiting room calling "Pussykins" or "Boobers" into room 3.  Another one that makes me cringe a bit is "Skitters".  That seems like an innocent name, and most likely would be, if my friends hadn't already denoted it to mean having the runs.  So now it mostly elicits an involuntary facial cringe.  Sometimes when I get pets with longer names such as "Yum Yum Buttersnuff the Third" it really puts me in a dilemma, especially if its the first time we have met.  Should I be proper and call the patient by their full name?  Or just skip the formalities and address her as Yum Yum?  The last thing I want to do is be rude. 

So whats in a name? As you can see, maybe a little more than you'd think.  The next time I encounter any "special" nombres (switched it up on ya) I think I'll just take the safe road and say Sweetie...

Trust me, I've had my share of name issues ;)
Dr. Ah-Chu!

PS. Since I promised it wasn't all about bitching... here is a little shout out to a few great pet names:
-Pugasaurus Rex
-Oh and this is Stella, she'd be amazingly adorable even if her name was Stinky.
What good names have you heard?   

"Stella" the Bulldog puppy


  1. OMG pugasaurus rex!!!! i could die!!!!
    the best pet name ever is GIMPY, of course <3 damn i miss her :-(
