Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Its not ALL about b*tching…

Writing a blog is probably one of the last things I'd imagined I would be doing as an intern.  First of all, who has the time?  I work 10-12 hour days- then have barely enough time to eat, sleep or do a load of laundry.  Second of all, I am not nearly literate enough to write something worth publishing. Lastly, believe it or not, I am somewhat of a private person.  Never one to share my innermost thoughts with people I do not know; let alone where the public can access it!  Despite these nagging thoughts, I was able to rationalize against them with the following arguments: 
  • Blogs have no deadlines- so I can write whenever I want aka keep my eyes open past 9pm. 
  • It is likely that I’d find an audience that is more forgiving of my ADD literary style - engrish majors please bite your tongues…  
  • The last and most important reason why I decided to just go for it is that there are just too many jewels that I have gained through my experiences and from working in an emergency room to not share it with others!  Plus, so few veterinarians speak their minds (publicly), about many things, especially things that we wished owners did (which helps us do our jobs better, but it helps keep their pets healthy as well). 

So here is my chance to share (and maybe b*tch just a little bit) and here is your chance to sneak a peek into the life of a small animal veterinarian.  I hope other people (as well as myself) are able to gain something from this experiment... either that or at least be slightly entertained!  

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