About the Author

Here is my obligatory- “where I am from” info:
I was borne (I like to add an extra “e” to the end of my words sometimes, it makes me feel fancy) and raised in Queens, NY.  Received my bachelors of science from Penn State University (I heart JoePa), achieved both my goals of living in sunny California and going to veterinary school by attending Western University, then have been working in a small animal practice in New Jersey ever since.  My return to the jersey shore has been amazing -Snowmageddon aside- especially since I spent all of my summers here growing up… (sticks and stones Jersians, I know I’m a Benny).  I love to travel, dream about hitting all 7 continents in my life and hope to help out a few people (and animals of course!) along the way.  

P.S. This is a picture of my pup Cupcake and I bike riding in Santa Monica.  I adopted her from a shelter my first year of veterinary school.  They found this little floozy walking the streets of southern California, picked her nine-nippled intact skinny self up and the rest is history.