Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More to love?

Finally convinced that Fluffy's got a badunkadunk?  Check out these tips on how to cut some calories. 

Step away from the beggin strips!
Lots of stores stock tons of fatty, high calorie pet treats.  Skip these (and save some $$$) by feeding healthy snacks you may already have around the house.  Crunchy green beans or fresh baby carrots are a favorite for some of my patients!  My pup will roll over 10 times for some steamed or boiled greens without added oil, spices or seasonings.  Remember- onions and garlic are toxic to pets’ red blood cells (hellooo anemia!) so keep these far away from those furry food monsters.  (nom! nom! nom!) Not sure which veggies are safe? Try some cooked broccoli, celery, sweet potatoes or even a bite or two of asparagus.  (No, I don’t know if it makes their pee smell funny…) A few small pieces of fruit are also a healthier snack alternative.  Good choices include apples and oranges (sans seeds), bananas, cantelope, and watermelon.  Of course steer clear or grapes and raisins as those can cause life threatening kidney failure! 
Just say no!
Make em work for it!
There are lots of products on the market that are made for encouraging activity or slowing down how fast your dogs and cats eat their food.  The basis behind these products are that pets use energy in order to play with a toy until treats pop out of them (yea, kinda sounds a little like torture, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.)  Premier brand has a line of Busy Buddy dog toys for dogs and cats that you can check out.  For bigger dogs with strong chompers a more durable Kong may be a better fit.  Slap a little low fat peanut butter inside of it and stick it in the freezer to keep your big bear entertained.  For those of you who are “frugal” (aka a low budget b*tch like my gal dana) try one of these DIY toys:  Clean out a plastic drink bottle and remove the cap and ring.  Place a few kibble or treats inside and let them play!  Be sure to keep a watchful eye and take it away if they start to chew holes or tear up the plastic.  If the kibble comes out too quickly you can also keep on the cap and drill a couple of holes slightly bigger than the kibble into the bottle.  This will make it much more challenging!

Ball? Where's the ball? Gotta get the ball.
Most pets spend the majority of their time loungin on the couch (lucky bastards).  Well, it's time to get that tail wagging and burn some calories!  Whether its encouraging playing patty cake, fetch, doing this, or just going for a brisk (and glorious in their eyes) walk while makin yellow snow, get active!  For some cats this can mean laser pointer mania, for others it can mean crazy dancing ribbon time. You know what I mean.  It doesn't matter how you do it, but encouraging play is not only good for them, it's good for us too and promotes bonding, exposure to fresh air and even neighborhood socializing. (so you get off ya booty too) 

Special diets
Think you’ve tried everything?  Well, it might be time to bust out the big guns!  And when I say big guns, I mean, a little trip to the vet to get a prescription (at their discretion of course).  While each food differs, in general, they are specially formulated to be lower in calories, sometimes higher in fiber (for dogs) and meant to keep pets fuller longer.  So they feel fuller longer and spend less time begging
There are many veterinary prescription diets from companies such as Purina, Royal Canin and Hills.  My favorite one for cats is actually meant for diabetic patients and is called Purina DM.  It's higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates, which is similar to their carnivorous eating habits.  For dog’s, diets such as Purina OM or Royal Canin Calorie Control, can help patients with those stubborn love handles!

Well, hopefully those tidbits help a little bit!  But always remember, when all else fails, YOU are the one who is in control of your pet’s fupa-liciousness (due to the whole no opposable thumbs thing).  Oh yah, and lay off the booze!  
"Bridgette" Terra and her night cap
(Do not try this at home) 
Til next time! 
Dr. (deniez meh cheezburger) Chu

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