Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ode to a cat lady

This is for the wonderful client sportin’ that cornflower blue, oversized tee shirt with a gigantic cat dome on it.  You can’t imagine how much I enjoy your visits.  You make an appointment for one pet and show up with three.  But its okay, we can squeeze you all in to a 20 minute appointment.  What’s that perfume you are wearing?  Eau de cigarettes and cat piss?  Just lovely.  And yes we know that when we say you have 6 cats at home with a cringed face, that really means you have 15.  No, no, of course we aren’t judging you… much.  But listen, we know that you want the best for your cats.  That’s why you decline every recommendation we make.  But I truly do cherish our time together, and can’t wait for my eye twitch to return the next time I see you on the scheduler.  Til next time! 

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